Training & Educational Programmes

Always tailored to your needs


At DOC, we provide training, seminars & educational programs that are devised by our expert teams. Each module can be tailored to suit the needs of our clients. Thanks to our experience and expertise, DOC can also offer a wide range of consultancy services that help in managing any crises in your business.



Full client support for training according to the last regulatory guidelines and technical aspects. An unique team of managers is able to train pharma personnel on standard or customized topics about process validation. Our dedicated workshop and training sessions provide customers with a comprehensive overview of EMA, FDA, and PDA regulations and guidelines, and offer an opportunity to delve into these aspects in detail. By sharing DOC's international experience, we ensure that all participants gain valuable insights.

  • Materials Qualification Sterilizing Filter Validation 
  • Single-Use System Qualification & Validation 
  • Primary Packaging Qualification 
  • Cleaning Validation • Process Validation 
  • Annex 1 and Contamination Control Strategy


Learn in a way that suits you

Modules are flexible, and can be customised to suit your specific needs. You can select the topics of interest, the duration and the depth of the seminar. We'll be happy to design a seminar tailored to your audience.

Attendee knowledge acquisition is verified through a mandatory written final evaluation for each participant.

Our teaching methods are interactive and include lectures, discussion and workshops. This allows each attendee to put into practice all they have learned.

Reaching our customers all around the world has never been a problem for us!


Educational initiatives for Italian Pharmaceutical Industry

DOC contributes to the organisation of educational initiatives, and helps to coordinate the participation of industry experts and professors.


Educational Program

Some of the educational initiatives in which DOC is involved are listed here:


ITS Technical College for New Life Technologies

ITS Technical College for New Life Technologies is the only Higher Technical Institute in the chemical field, in Italy. Here, professional technicians are trained in technological areas that are strategic in economic development and competitiveness, particularly in the chemical, pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, environmental and elastomer fields. At the end of their two-year course, the trainees are specialists in the application of traditional and/or innovative methods and processes, also in the study, research, development, identification, synthesis and production of biotechnology-based molecules or products.


II Level Master's Degree : GMP Compliance Quality Expert for Pharmaceutical Operations (TQF) University of PADUA

The Master’s Degree for Industrial Pharmaceutical Process Engineers prepares professional candidates that will cover an essential role in pharmaceutical companies and their allied industries.


The course will delve into the responsibilities related to the compliance of technology processes with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) for the pharmaceutical industry, in the EU and in all those Non-EU countries where a pharmaceutical product is approved for sale.


Candidates focus on the pharmaceutical industry and on related engineering, technology and consultancy companies. The course units of the Master’s Degree for Industrial Pharmaceutical Process Engineers provide the required methods and knowledge to manage the pharmaceutical industry technology processes according to GMP criteria.


Huge emphasis is given to the presentation and discussion of case studies, which allow students to relate to actual situations in the pharmaceutical industry.


Teqaching metnods involve a strong participation of professors from the industrial sector, and will be divided into 11 thematic modules, as specified below.